Friday, September 24, 2010

"Second star to the right and straight on till morning..."

Sitting around watching Peter Pan with my son fills me with loaded sentiment.  When I was little the story of Peter Pan was one of my favorites.  It was so magical and mythical...many things a child dreams of.  My love for this story is what ultimately made me decide to ride the Peter Pan ride first thing when we got to Disney world.  It was mine and Xander's first time to Disney and anyone who knows me knows that I am a Disney freak and I insist on never growing out of it.  It was just me and my little man sailing away on that pirate ship above the story of Peter Pan and though he was only 16 months old at the time, I could tell he enjoyed every moment of it.  His eyes lit up taking in all they could.  He barked with Nanna, said "wee" around every turn and gasped at Captain Hook and his crew.  I'll admit it, I had tears in my eyes the whole ride.
When we were younger it was so easy to play make believe and with our untainted imaginations anything was possible.  I used to search the woods behind the house for fairies and every time we would go to the beach, I would scan the ocean for mermaids.  I'd always keep an eye open for a white rabbit toting a pocket watch all while wishing on stars and waiting for my prince to come. 

I'm not sure when it happens, but it always does, we grow up and lock that magic away in a special place in our hearts.  Some never revisit that feeling of being a child and take life too seriously.  Some forget about that feeling until they have a child of their own and once again, but only for a little while, they unleash that kid inside and allow their imaginations to reemerge.  But as their children grow, they slowly lock away that magic once more. 

Then there are those of us that found a way to always carry Neverland with them.  Without our dreams and imaginations the world is a dull and horrific place.  It is when we KEEP our head in the clouds and only our toes on the ground that we are able to see the magical things in life that surround us everyday.
So as I sit and watch my little man get excited at the site of Peter Pan flying, I hope and pray he will keep hold of that childlike spirit as he grows and never stop searching the sky for the elusive Peter Pan. 

"You know, I have the strangest feeling that I've seen that ship before. A long time ago, when I was very young." Mr. Darling (Peter Pan) 

"So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!"
J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan)


  1. Second to the right, and then straight on till morning.

  2. :-) all depends on which version you read or watch.

  3. Pixie dust and fairy tales
    Magic dreams and wishing wells
    Making wishes and casting spells
    Upon a star until it fell
    Nighttime flights of fancy sell
    Upon the ship of mystic sails
    Onto the sea of feathered swells
    Beneath a sky of quilted bells
    Until the morning sun your secrets tell
    And bid farewell to the linened whale
    You'll return with the midnight smells
    Of Pixie dust and fairy tales.

    Tim L. Daugherty 9/25/2010

  4. And that ladies and gentlemen is where I inherited my love for writing. Thanks daddy!!
