Tuesday, October 12, 2010


     No one person on this planet is better than anyone else.  No amount of money or personal possessions makes you a better person than the "poor guy" down the street.  Your religion is just as sacred to you as "the other guys" is to him.  We love who we love and it's no ones business or place to judge. 
     Putting an end to the bullying starts at home.  What we teach our children and the examples we set for them are what they take out into the world.  They are smart and watch our every move and absorb our every word.  It disgusts me that a teen would find it ok to bully their peers (to the point of suicide) just because they are gay Ellen DeGeneres psa, a different race or religion.  Some kids today find it ok to bully anyone that is a little different than them.  UK anti bullying psa
     I read a story about a girl who was bullied because of her accent.  So she tied a rope around her neck and jumped out of her bedroom window.  I read another story about a guy who shot himself after being bullied because he liked wearing pink and was flamboyantly outgoing.( suicide stories )  For a society of teens that claim to strive to be different to express who they are, they sure seem more close minded and judgemental than ever. 
    In school I was always on the outside looking in.  I never really did fit in with any "click" at school.  There was a core group I was most acquainted with and close friends with a few of them at one point in time.  I went through my own struggles and my actions towards them drove them away but ultimately it was a cry for help that no one ever heard.  I'm not ready to tell my story here just yet but just to say I know what it's like to feel alone.  We need to teach tolerance to our children.  We need to teach them about speaking up and standing up for themselves and others. bullying.org
     Teens need to know that there is another way and that suicide is NOT the answer.  They need to know life IS worth living and that it WILL get better.  It starts at home...........................

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