Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Family...NOTHING is more important.

As the year comes to a close and we are thrust into the Christmas season torn between what our individual hearts tell us the holiday is all about and what the manufacturers want us to think (buy buy buy)

I can't help but feel a bit nostalgic and ponder on my favorite thing...the things I'm thankful for-----> my family! There is NOTHING more important than your own family. 

Yep, in this post I will be contributing to the holiday cheese factor.  
It's no secret that, despite Thanksgiving and Christmas, this is NOT my favorite time of year.  The grass dies, the trees are stripped of their leaves and forced to watch as they wilt and rot on the ground below, the sun seems to hide away occasionally sending down dull rays that can barely warm us on the coldest of days.  Color is washed away and we are left with dull greens, browns, and if we're "lucky" a little white.  
The world around us seems to give up and die. I look out my window and what was once vibrant, alive and bursting with an array of colors is now dull, dead and sad.  But just when I've settled into the beginning of winter gloom and doom, Christmas starts to happen.  While early fall (October) is my favorite time of year, this time of year provides it's own bit of magic. 

Sparkling white lights go up and it seems as if God himself dumped a bucket of stars on the earth to help brighten the dullness around us.

Mixed in with the white lights, is a vast mixture of colored lights that appeal to the child in us all, bright green garland, magnificent red bows and Christmas trees...each one unique.

The smell of juicy pines fill the air outside as well as in.  Inside, the new aroma of apples, cinnamon, ginger and at times sugar cookies also soars through the air caressing our senses and wrapping us in comfort and familiarity.  The fireplaces are lit and the stockings are hung and the Christmas trees are surrounded by lavishly wrapped gifts with dainty bows to match.  Tucked away gently in a serene corner of the house is the manger scene for which many believe is "the reason for the season". (comment not meant to devalue or insult any other religion or person belief. *sigh*)
Beyond it all, one thing that ALL people can agree on is that this is a time for family, friends, loving and giving and being together! My family and extended family means the world to me.  Without them I'd fall apart and I truly wouldn't be who I am. 
 My mother-in-law to be helps to keep our heads above the water.  She lets Xander hang out with her on her day off giving me one day a week to relax, recharge and regain my sanity.
My brothers are my protectors and my confidants.  I know they will have my back if and when I need them.  I know that I can always tell them my secrets and bare my soul and they'll never judge me. 

My mom isn't only my mom.  She's my friend, my sister, my partner in crime.  She'll always try her best to make sure I do and look my best.  She's my stylist in life and I know she'll never steer me wrong.

My dad gave me my greatest gift, my love for writing and respect for books.  He has taught me to be slow to use my words but quick to listen to the world around me. 

My Philip, my Sparky, is my soul mate.  He keeps me on my toes and loves me despite all my many flaws and he loves my family despite their many flaws and never pushes them away. What more can I say, I just love him so. 

Last but definitely not least is my baby boy. 

He is my heart and soul, my reason for living.  So, on Christmas day while I'm watching his happy little face take in his new toys surrounded by the people that love him most, the shining lights and the many comforting scents that fill the air and connect with our memories, I'm going to relish the moment.  I'm going to try my best to remember every single little detail on his and my entire families faces and hold them in my heart.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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