Friday, December 31, 2010

A happy NEW year to all

Every year on this day, I come up with a list of resolutions I try so hard to keep after the new year.  For the first month or so, I'm able to keep those resolutions and I feel really proud of myself.  But then the lazy bug kicks in or the procrastination virus catches and I slowly start to fail.  Then slowly I start to feel like a failure and due to this lingering feeling of not measuring up to my own expectations, I become completely discouraged and totally give up.  Sure I can make a list of shallow changes I want to make and a list of cliches I'd like to do but practicality is important and I'm keeping mine in check.
This year (What's left of it) I've decided I will make NO New Years resolutions and I will just be.  There are things in my mind that I want to do and change and if I am able to do and change these things then that will be great, if not then I won't have an unfinished list staring back at me in disappointment. 
A new year is a new canvas but it doesn't wipe the slate completely clean.  No matter what we do or how hard we try to shake the previous years, we will always be dragging them behind us like a ball and chain.  Here is where we can choose to continue to drag it behind us letting it slow us down or we can place that ball and chain on some wheels and let is glide beside us. 
I've never been much of an optimist and I'm not a total pessimist, I'm an Idealist with a realistic world perspective.  I'm going to live this year to come to the best of my ability and make the most of every day.  I'm going to continue to cherish the little moments that keep me going and hold on to the big moments that make me feel alive.  I'm going to hug and kiss my son every day and tell the people I hold dear how much I love them through my words and actions.
I'm throwing out the list and going into 2011 with blind expectations.
IN 2011 I'M GOING TO LIVE!!!!!

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