Sunday, September 12, 2010

Allow me to introduce myself

My name, at present, is Tiffany Daugherty but I am engaged so that is set to change some time in the future.  I have 2 children.  I am the mother of 1, Grady Alexander Moore but we call him Xander, and I am the fiance of the other, Philip but I call him Sparky.  I've never been a fan of blogs or blogging.  In my experience blogs were full of nameless cowards too afraid to man up to their own lies and opinion's but I quickly learned that was just the town I lived in and it had nothing to do with blogs and blogging. 
I have a constant stream of never ending thoughts running through my mind on a daily basis and no real outlet for them so what better reason to start a blog.  My main point isn't to obtain a massive amount of readers and followers but to allow this to be the outlet for the things on my mind.  If what I have to say or talk about insults someone then oh well.  I'm not here to walk on eggshells and censor my own mind.  You can either get over it and allow me to express my freedom of speech or stop reading.  I will not apologize for who I am and I will respect others opinions just the same. 
Ok, that being said and moving on, I love to write and my mind works in mysterious ways times 2 to the extreme.  Writing has always been the one thing I've always been good at and passionate about.  Give me a pen and some paper and I will create art from my words.  If I'm not writing in my spare time, I'm reading.  A book never judges the person that reads it and it never tires of taking people on adventures.  With a great writer and a little ink, you can go anywhere and be anything.  Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan were my favorite books growing up and no I'm not talking about the Little Golden Book versions either.  What kid didn't want to disappear down a rabbit hole a time or two and I know some adults that still think like Peter Pan.  I still hold these stories dear to my heart but as I grew Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice became my top reading items.  Two loves stories so different but equally pure and gripping. 
Anyway, I'm a stay at home mom...not really by choice but I love being at home with my little boy all the same.  My days are filled with Toy Story, Elmo, tickle fights, reading books, temper tantrums, naps and dirty diapers.  When I get a moment to relax I escape to Facebook to see what the world of grown ups are doing just to find out no one ever grows out of throwing a temper tantrum. 
I've rambled enough for now.  I'll leave you to your thoughts while I go and get some house cleaning completed on my only time out of the week without a kid on my heels.


  1. Tiff I love this new idea!

  2. Tiffany - I look forward to reading what is on your mind - I too find that expressing yourself through words helps on so many levels!!
