Monday, September 20, 2010


Well here I go, writing my 2 cents about love. 
Love is such a moronic thing.  When we are in love, we act like morons.  When we are chasing love, we act like morons.  When we fall out of love, we act like morons.  When we talk about love, we sound like morons.  So, how could something that has us running around like morons all the time be so desirable? I think the answer is somewhat is the most pleasurable emotion that we experience that's both simple and complex all at the same time.  We're drawn to this emotion (love) because we'll never really be able to understand it.  When it's good, we're walking on clouds but when it's bad it leaves us empty.  When you're know why.  When you're know why.  when you're know why.  When you're in're unable to put into words and pin point just one thing or one reason why you love that person.  You just do...
People say that the movies/TV shows and books we read (those of us that still read) have blown love up to an impossible standard.  I say it's a load of crap.
I think people use the excuse "I'm just not a romantic person" as an excuse to be emotionally lazy in a relationship.  Women aren't ultimately asking for much.  What's so hard about remembering what your loves favorite flower is and sending her a bouquet for no other reason at all except that you love her.  Remembering the small things will pay off big time.  Unless the girl you're with is just insanely materialistic (God help you) then all she wants is for you to remember those little things and pamper her a little and not just when it's her birthday or your anniversary either. 
Don't get me wrong though, every girl is just a tiny bit materialistic so if you present her with a picnic in the park, a champagne filled hot air balloon ride, a carriage ride through the city or lets say a proposal in front of Cinderella's Castle (wink wink), she won't refuse it and will remember it forever.

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