Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our story...the cliffnotes version

I’m going to do a couple background story to give you, the reader, a taste of who I am and how I got to be the person I am at the moment.

I mentioned earlier in my 1st post that I was engaged to Philip Moore. Philip is the fine example of a testosterone filled, eating, sleeping, hard working, manual laboring, burping and farting man with a heart of gold and I love him! Our story is kind of a unique little story. We first met in high school journalism class. I immediately fell head over heels for him. His feelings for me were apparently mutual just a lot harder to read. Our spare time in class (which was most of the time) was filled with writing little notes back and forth in my class notebook. We talked about everything…even how much we liked each other but neither of us thought the other was serious. I drooled over him in his tight little football uniform at every game. No, I wasn’t stalking him, I was in the colorguard. I eventually learned that Philip had many girls fawning over him and my lack of self-esteem kicked in and I just figured I never really stood a chance. We still wrote our notes with “I like you” undertones though I remained skeptical. At the beginning of February I decided I was going to give him one month to ask me out and if he didn’t then I was finally going to go out with this guy a girl from work had been bugging me about. Well, those who know Philip know how he’s a bit shy when it comes to girls and there was no way I was going to be the one to ask HIM out. So, needless to say I ended up going out with that other guy but I never really gave up on Philip. I ended up dating the other guy for many years. Then we got married and divorced shortly after. During my divorce Philip found out, through a mutual “frenemy” of ours that I was getting a divorce. I’m sure her intentions in telling him that were to put a damper on the question about me and to place judgment on my character. However, her intentions were meant he dropped her like a hot pan and started messaging me right away (on the old world of Myspace). We picked right up where our high school crushes left off 8 years prior. We dated and spent as much time together as we could which is probably why I ended up pregnant…

1 comment:

  1. You and Philip are perfect for each other! I think the world of you both and I hope to see you both, and the little man, the next time I am in town!!
