Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hello old friend

Fall is hands down my favorite time of the year. You can feel it and smell it in the air weeks before it officially arrives.  The smell of pumpkin and spice and apples and cinnamon fill our senses. The air smells fresh and crisp and untouched by the world. The sun rises and sets with a relaxed elegance. 
The wind picks up and seems to embrace you the moment you step outside.  The wind runs it's fingers through my hair gently playing with every strand before laying them serenely back on my shoulders.  It plays teasingly on my skin hugging me like an old friend.  The world around me turns into a rainbow of autumn colors: oranges, reds and yellows. 
There's just an overall feeling of comfort I get this time of year.  It's the calm before the storm of the holidays.  It's when I no longer have to worry about how I look in a swimsuit (if I ever wore one). 

Fall holds the only time of the year when grown ups can get away with playing dress up.

Yard work becomes a game to see how high and "fluffy" you can get that pile of leaves before you jump in them. 
It's when the summer sun's brutality is put to rest and you can finally stand in it's rays and let the warmth caress your face the way your lover would.  You can finally go outside without having a heat stroke before getting off your front porch.  There are so many simple pleasures in life to enjoy and the changing of the seasons into fall is definitely one of those. 


  1. I totally agree. Fall has always been my favorite time of the year.

  2. Wow, nice way to capture the leaves and the beautiful fall colors. But you know what I really like?........the smell of burning leaves. I can't wait.
