Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Move over Betty Crocker

The other day when I was reading the Country Boy, City Belle blog about cupcakes, I was suddenly inspired to try a little homemade cooking of my own.  Seeing how I've never baked a dessert that didn't come out of a box when all I had to add was water, oil and eggs...I was pretty lost from the get-go.  I, first of all, had to sort through a million different recipes on the Internet and find the one that sounded just right for me, the pumpkin spice cupcake. 
Then I had to decide what icing I wanted to put on it and search for a recipe for it.  I decided on some good ol' cream cheese icing.

It goes without saying, that this was the easiest part of my plan, it was all downhill from here.  Philip, Xander and I went to the store and again seeing how all my desserts come from a box, I was lost on where to find baking soda, baking powder, vanilla flavoring, nutmeg, ginger and even mashed pumpkin in a can (yeah, I cheated with the pumpkin part).  I know these are all very basic ingredients that I pass nearly every time I go to the store but it took us an hour or so to find these ingredients.  UGH!!! By the time we left the store, there were 3 pissed off babies in the car...Xander, Philip and myself. 

My moronic lack of knowing where to find the key ingredients had me pretty discouraged.  I didn't really think making cupcakes and icing would be complicated or that messy but I was sadly mistaken.  By the time I was finished cooking it looked like a dozen sugared up toddlers had been unleashed on my kitchen. 

All together is was really fun and I got to feel a little like June Cleaver.  The extra work paid off, my cupcakes may not be decorated all pretty but they kicked butt!!!!!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some homemade spaghetti sauce to go and check on.  ;-D

My 2 biggest critics agree! THUMBS UP!!!


  1. Want me to make a lemon pie for you?

  2. Grandma Daugherty had an old uncle named Jube. Uncle Jube made batter bread or spoon biscuits. I remember the last time I saw him he was in his little wooden frame house up in Home Brew hollar and he had just made himself breakfast. Mom and I visited with him and I was lucky enough to eat one of his biscuits....boy were they good! Uncle Jube was a WWI veteran with curly white hair and he enjoyed smoking his pipe.

  3. ooooo....yeah, I lemon pie would be good. I haven't had one of those in a while. Jube? what an odd name. Is that kind of like momma's drop biscuits?
