Monday, September 13, 2010

My awesome little monster!!!

I have a son who is the best and most exhausting part of my day.  I am with him from the moment he wakes to the moment he goes "nigh nigh".  Xander, just like his daddy is the perfect embodiment of your typical man, is the epitome of a little boy.  He hardly ever cries when he gets hurt and my little evel knievel does things to get himself hurt multiple times on an hourly basis.  He laughs when he passes gas (but I'm working on getting him to say "excuse me"....It's a slow work in progress) He knows his little boy parts and is sure to point them out EVERY time I change his diaper.  But along with knowing what his naughty bits are called he also knows hair, head, eyes, nose, mouth, hand, fingers, foot, toes, bellybutton, and boobies.  It's to the point to where we really have to watch what we say and do around him because if we realize it or not...he's watching and listening. He LOVES to run around naked but will pee in the floor in a heartbeat and then jump through it like a rain puddle.  He likes to play in dirt but is not a fan of having dirty hands.  I used to worry about having his little world clean and germ free and then came the day I saw him licking the dogs nose and playing around it's business end....all bets were off.  If I give him snacks he'll eat some of it and stash the rest for later and I won't realize it until I see him walking around with a cookie hours later that I'm certain I hadn't just given him.  He has squirrel like instincts I guess.  He is super destructive and full of nonstop energy.  I can clean a room and minutes later he will have it looking like I hadn't cleaned it in days.  He refuses to eat in a highchair (always has) but will eat like a man if sitting at the table. Though I am bigger and stronger than he is, he can kick my butt when we rough house, his secret move is...headbutting.  The kids head is so hard that he's headbutted me before and made me see stars but he acted as if it didn't even phase him.  Xander is a huge flirt and we've recently discovered he's a butt man, he likes when the girls are around him but he really enjoys watching them walk away.  LOL.  He has mad dance skills and likes all kinds of music.  Turn on the radio and he immediately starts bobbing his head and swinging those hips.  Just recently he found some drum sticks and to our amazement knows how to use them REALLY well and has astonshing rhythm.  I see and oh so fortunately hear a good drum set in our future.  Hey, Justin Beiber started off playing the drums at age 2...who knows what could happen.  :-)   
He has inherited a good bit of my personality as well.  He looks like me, has hair like me and loves to read like me.  His favorite book at the moment is Where the Wild Things Are but he'll get a little angry if I don't do the funny voices when I read it.  Throughout the day we'll read an average of 15 different books a number of different times.  I love this about him.  I hope that he'll grow up loving to read and appreciate books as much as I did and still do.
Aside from his monster attitude, he's a little sweetheart.  He doesn't like to see people cry, he loves giving hugs and kisses and he's sweet to everyone he meets.  He's my snuggly little monkey and puts the smile on my face and an extra beat in my heart.  He is my world................................  

1 comment:

  1. Your son is looking really cute but i would like to say that kindly don't use this white and green combination for the post writing because when i read it,it irritate my eye little bit anyways keep writing and god bless you..
